Loma Linda Hospital Receives 2020 Excellence in Healthcare Award

Stephen Reeder, CEO of UCR Group, is involved with a number of charitable causes. For example, Stephen Reeder has contributed significantly to the Loma Linda University Health hospital, an organization focused on providing outstanding care for patients and quality education for its students.

Loma Linda University Health announced in January that it had been awarded the 2020 Excellence in Healthcare Award from the Integrated Healthcare Association (IHA). The medical center won the award because of its performance on three indicators – clinical quality, cost measures (total cost of care), and patient experience. These three indicators are a key measure of the IHA’s Align.Measure.Perform. (AMP) program, which measures excellence on whether the healthcare organization can perform in the top 50 percent in the above three categories.

To give some perspective, nearly 200 organizations participated in the AMP program. Of this number, one in nine met the Excellence in Healthcare Award standards for 2020. These new standards were based on those first established in 2018.

The award was presented to the organization during the IHA Annual Meeting in November. The medical center was honored to be recognized for its quality healthcare platform, according to a news release issued in January.

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